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Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Mindfulness.  What does that really mean?  There are many different aspects of mindfulness and many different perceptions of what it means.  In our culture today we are constantly stimulated and feel that “more is better.”  We are “crazy busy” even though we are surrounded with devices and conveniences that were invented to “make our lives easier.”  Mindfulness is about putting down all the balls that we are juggling and embracing the beauty of monotasking.
     There are health benefits associated with mindfulness that include alleviating depression, anxiety, and pain.  It can also decrease our flight or fight response and increase our ability to pay attention.  Many of us feel that being busy helps us to feel productive but research shows that if we are in a relaxed alert state we actually perform better.  We are also more productive.  
     So how do we integrate moments of stillness, mindfulness, or meditation in our lives? It takes practice and commitment.  Start small by taking a minute in the morning to wake up, take in the smell, and the scenery.  Take time to land in your day and notice all the things that are stimulating your senses.  Go through each of your 5 senses and identify what you see, taste, hear, smell, and touch.  Life is beautiful so take time and literally smell the roses.  

April Moedl LCSW

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