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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Self Sooth

The holidays are coming up and this could mean increased pressure, stress, and anxiety. It is always nice to have a few tools to use to help comfort and nurture yourself in this and other busy and hectic times of the year.

A great tool to help with relaxation and self nurturing is the skill Self Soothe (this skill is derived from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy). You will need to use your senses by themselves or together. Here are some ideas of ways you may want to implement this skill.

Self Soothe Skills

  • Vision
Look at pictures that relax you or make you feel happy, go for a walk or sit somewhere and enjoy the scenery, draw, gaze at the stars, and read inspirational quotes.

  • Hearing
Listen to music, listen to relaxing sounds (rain, waves, relaxation CDs), call a friend, sing a song, listen to the birds, and listen to your favorite radio station.

  • Smell
Aromatherapy oils, light a candle, bake cookies, use perfume or body spray.

  • Taste
Chew gum, drink tea or hot chocolate, eat your favorite fruit, have a piece of chocolate.

  • Touch
Snuggle in a soft blanket, take a bubble bath, take a warm shower, pet your dog, cat, or other animal.

The important part of this is that everyone is different so what may soothe or help one person relax may be very different than what help someone else. Find what works for you and go with it. It is important to take good care of ourselves and try to have those little moments that ensure we are being our own best friend, because that is one person we will always have – Ourselves.

If you are interested in hearing more about Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Rehabilitative Health Services offers two different groups taught by Cindy Quinn, LCSW. Contact RHS at 523-5319 for more information.