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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Why Play Is So Important

We like to think that only children play, however, no matter your age, play can be an important part of your life. Why play is so important for developmental reasons for children is this; play helps with healthy brain development, it helps children with their schooling, and it can help them learn to interact with the world around them.

Play is a way that children can communicate many things to those around them that they may not have the words to say. Whether it is because they are less verbal than others around them, for whatever reason, or whether it is due to their age, play helps connect them. My favorite quote from Garry Landreth is “Toys are the children’s words and play is their language.”

For adults, we do things in our everyday life that is considered play, however, we just don’t see it that way. When you read a book, take in a movie, or view art, those can be a type of play for adults because it brings us joy, and what does play do but bring us joy.

Carmen Stites, LPC