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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Are you living your life in the present?

     Do you ever notice that you are lost in your thoughts?  You could be sitting in traffic but in your mind you are really already home wondering what you need to make for dinner?  Living in the present moment is a challenge that we seem to all be faced with in today’s society and culture.  There is always something that we need to be doing or should be doing. We are bombarded by social media, external stimuli, and our phones.  Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can be used in many ways.  Mindfulness can lower anxiety and empower us by living in the present moment.  In reality that is the only moment that we truly have any control over.

     What are ways that we can practice mindfulness?  Take a moment and think of times throughout the day that you are "lost in thought" or activities that increase racing thoughts or worries that we might have.  Make a conscious effort to be present in this moment.  Start simply by using all five of your senses.  Notice your surroundings and especially pay close attention to your breathing.  Notice how you feel and then choose where you want to proceed from there.  Do this exercise a couple of times a day and track your feelings.  Being present in life can increase our happiness and decrease our anxiety.  It helps put us back in the drivers seat of our life.

April Moedl LCSW